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Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha Holy Shrine Live

Salawaat Upon Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha(‘a)

اللهّمَ صَلّ عَلي عَلي بنْ موسَي الرّضا المرتَضي الامامِ التّقي النّقي

O Allah, (please) send blessings upon `Ali the son of Musa whom you have accepted and through whom you have satisfied whomever of your creatures that you wish.

و حُجّتكَ عَلي مَنْ فَوقَ الارْضَ و مَن تَحتَ الثري الصّدّيق الشَّهيد

O Allah, as you have made him act as argument against your creatures, undertake the mission by your command, support your religion, witness against your servants, and as he acted sincerely towards them in secret and in open and called to your way with wisdom and excellent exhortation,

صَلَوةَ كثيرَةً تامَةً زاكيَةً مُتَواصِلةً مُتَواتِرَةً مُتَرادِفَه كافْضَلِ ما صَلّيَتَ عَلي اَحَدٍ مِنْ اوْليائِكَ

So also (please) bless him with the most favorite blessings that you have ever bestowed upon any of your intimate servants and your choice ones over your creatures. Verily, you are All-magnanimous, All-generous.

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